Friday, February 24, 2017

Album Cover Project

Homework #5

An interesting article about how much thought goes into making a movie poster. The Magnolia poster definitely caught my eye. I loved the detail he put into Magnolia with the sky line at the bottom and the weave that represents the weaving of people through each others lives, it's a very poetic poster. The 'There Will Be Blood' poster had many concepts some that were very simple and some that were more complex and moving. Especially the one where the two men are embracing and one is visually distressed. It shows emotion on a level we usually don't see in our daily lives, it's very grabbing. The one of the man with his face all red and dropping back into the background is also eye catching when you first look at it. It shows distress, danger, mystery which make you want to pick it up and watch it. I enjoyed this article very much and how the creator discussed his process and some of his work, it gives me some great ideas for my upcoming Movie Poster.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Homework #4

This video was quite interesting to think about. Design is something that is usually put into the hands of a designer but when you put in the hands of someone who is going to use it first you get very different results. I also thought about divergent thinking and it's definitely something I do not do often instead of using old ways to make something work I need to as a designer find a way to design something by creating a new idea and expanding the playing field for other designers. One question that I would ask on how we can design something to tackle a problem is. How can we as a species of people living on a planet tackle climate change?

Friday, February 3, 2017

Homework #3

Montygog has a lot of experience. I had no idea they had worked on some of my favorite franchises like Star Wars I very much enjoyed the style of art they use to create different perspectives on scenes. The New Hope poster is definitely a favorite of mine. I definitely agree with what they said about standing out from others to keep creating and to find your own 'thing' that makes you unique. We should always strive to find material based off of what other artist have made but we should never try and copy it. We as artist must set ourselves apart to create something unique whether it's a different shade of grey or a different object floating in the sky above a skyscraper. Striving to be different is what makes us artist. I'm considering starting my own Deviantart account so I can post my work for others to see. That's a big step for me though I want to make sure I have perfected my art a bit more before I start posting some images. But perhaps it may be best for me show how I've progressed from beginner to expert!

Pegasus Laser Cowboy Shooter

T-Rex Abduction