Friday, February 3, 2017

Homework #3

Montygog has a lot of experience. I had no idea they had worked on some of my favorite franchises like Star Wars I very much enjoyed the style of art they use to create different perspectives on scenes. The New Hope poster is definitely a favorite of mine. I definitely agree with what they said about standing out from others to keep creating and to find your own 'thing' that makes you unique. We should always strive to find material based off of what other artist have made but we should never try and copy it. We as artist must set ourselves apart to create something unique whether it's a different shade of grey or a different object floating in the sky above a skyscraper. Striving to be different is what makes us artist. I'm considering starting my own Deviantart account so I can post my work for others to see. That's a big step for me though I want to make sure I have perfected my art a bit more before I start posting some images. But perhaps it may be best for me show how I've progressed from beginner to expert!

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