Sunday, April 23, 2017

Company Mission Statement

Computech will be a company that sells computer peripherals and hardware/software solutions for the everyday person. We as a company pride ourselves on simple effective solutions for our customers to their everyday computer needs. At Computech we want to provide cost efficient and environmental friendly materials to our customers that provide superior performance to our competitors. As such we want to design a logo that will show our commitment to our ideals. A simple design of basic font and colors. White text with a perhaps green outline will make up our logo. A power icon to replace the O in our name would be excellent as well. A leaf somewhere in our logo to show our commitment to protecting our environment is also needed. If you are interested in taking up our offer please feel free to contact us.

560 Jefferson Avenue
 Phildelphia, PA 215
(856) 555-3344

Charles Caralluzzo, CEO of Computech

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Homework #8

First off, I love J.J. he's a brilliant man with a great sense of humor and a fascinating mind. I thoroughly enjoyed this video about how a simple box can convey hope, mystery, imagination and many other feelings. Technology has given us the foundation to let our dreams become a reality. Anything we imagine can become possible which is a beautiful thing. Years ago we could only dream about making movies on our own with what we had. Technology is more affordable and readily available then years ago. Innovation is on the rise and it's because of people like J.J. who dare to dream and don't let obstacles get in their way. I walk away from this video with a mindset that anything that I imagine is possible if I'm willing to apply myself and learn new ways to innovate.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Homework #7

This article was particularly interesting to me. I had no idea how much thought went into a simple billboard or grouping of words to make them aesthetically pleasing. I had no idea what kerning was up until now and I am fascinated by what it can do for an image. Some of the rules that were brought up seem like common knowledge to me though. For example, spacing your words correctly to fit a page is something I thought everyone would find important.  I always try and set up my words to be spaced evenly throughout a pamphlet. I also found it interesting how words are set up on pamphlets or power points. If you spread your words to much it's hard to read have them too short and it's annoying to read. You have to find the perfect balance to set up your words properly.

Also, color and contrast are everything. If you are setting up a kids birthday party design you want to use bright exciting colors you don't want to use dark colors. You also want to use fun fonts like comic sans or bubbly font no cursive or some other fancy font. It's all about understanding your audience and accommodating to them.

I learned a lot from this article about how to set up font and how to properly space out and use proper color and fonts for projects to make it more pleasing for an audience.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Homework #6

This is one of my favorite posters from a movie because of how it depicts everything coming together from the original Star wars movies. Anakin has been on this journey since the first movie to becoming Darth Vader and this movie poster shows the transition perfectly. As you can see Darth Vader's Helmet looms over Anakin as he stares off into the distance. All important characters from the movie are also shown on the poster around him. Finally, in the middle you can see the epic clash of heroes of Obi-Wan and Anakin fighting each other depicting Anakin's downfall.

Movie Idea

The plot of my movie would be me as the main star. It would be an alternate universe in star wars where Luke Skywalker and Leia were both killed and it seemed there was no one else to stop the evil empire. But my character and his friends R2-D2, Rey and Cassian all survived up until now and are able to fight back and fight against the empire. My character finds out he is now the only one who can stop the darkness and vows to learn the ways of the jedi from force ghosts and from visiting old jedi ruins.
Daisy Ridley, Diego Luna, Me

Movie Poster In-class

Friday, February 24, 2017

Album Cover Project

Homework #5

An interesting article about how much thought goes into making a movie poster. The Magnolia poster definitely caught my eye. I loved the detail he put into Magnolia with the sky line at the bottom and the weave that represents the weaving of people through each others lives, it's a very poetic poster. The 'There Will Be Blood' poster had many concepts some that were very simple and some that were more complex and moving. Especially the one where the two men are embracing and one is visually distressed. It shows emotion on a level we usually don't see in our daily lives, it's very grabbing. The one of the man with his face all red and dropping back into the background is also eye catching when you first look at it. It shows distress, danger, mystery which make you want to pick it up and watch it. I enjoyed this article very much and how the creator discussed his process and some of his work, it gives me some great ideas for my upcoming Movie Poster.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Homework #4

This video was quite interesting to think about. Design is something that is usually put into the hands of a designer but when you put in the hands of someone who is going to use it first you get very different results. I also thought about divergent thinking and it's definitely something I do not do often instead of using old ways to make something work I need to as a designer find a way to design something by creating a new idea and expanding the playing field for other designers. One question that I would ask on how we can design something to tackle a problem is. How can we as a species of people living on a planet tackle climate change?

Friday, February 3, 2017

Homework #3

Montygog has a lot of experience. I had no idea they had worked on some of my favorite franchises like Star Wars I very much enjoyed the style of art they use to create different perspectives on scenes. The New Hope poster is definitely a favorite of mine. I definitely agree with what they said about standing out from others to keep creating and to find your own 'thing' that makes you unique. We should always strive to find material based off of what other artist have made but we should never try and copy it. We as artist must set ourselves apart to create something unique whether it's a different shade of grey or a different object floating in the sky above a skyscraper. Striving to be different is what makes us artist. I'm considering starting my own Deviantart account so I can post my work for others to see. That's a big step for me though I want to make sure I have perfected my art a bit more before I start posting some images. But perhaps it may be best for me show how I've progressed from beginner to expert!

Pegasus Laser Cowboy Shooter

T-Rex Abduction

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Homework #2

Niel's chair idea is a fascinating take on chairs that I haven't seen before. Now I really want to buy one of those chairs! The chair is an innovative idea that takes into account many different factors offering comfort for a wide range of people. Not having to looking around for nobs and nozzles to adjust a chair is a hassle. As I look at my chair and grab for my adjustments I realize how much I want one of these chairs. Getting up from my chair I also realize how much my lower back and tailbone does hurt when I sit up. My chair a very uncomfortable leather chair with no real cushioning or adjustments to make long periods of sitting my comfortable. I think it's time that I get myself a new chair now.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Homework #1

The article on the New York times reminds us that designs that have worked for a long time usually don't need to be tampered with unless they are severely outdated. Looking at some of the sign choices made I can absolutely agree that these designs are awful and very confusing. Instead of revamping these designs they should have kept the core look of the designs on the signs from before and just enhanced either with better colors or enhancing the size of the images if they were hard to see. Simplicity is key in designing a sign. When someone is driving by they only have a second to perceive the message on the sign before they have to move on and drive past it. Make it clear, make it simple, make it legible.

Sketches for Homework:

Friday, January 20, 2017

My computer experience dates back to when I was a 8 years old when I was given my first computer and ever since then I have always been around computers learning how they work and new ways to make things work on them.

My experience with photoshop and illustrator is beginner I have had experience in Graphic Design 1 but that was for only one semester I know some basic beginner techniques but beyond that I am not very good at using either yet.

Yes I have a computer at home and it has both photoshop and illustrator.

My major is web design and development. I hope to work from home as a freelance web designer but first I want to work for a company to get experience to run my own business.

Knowledge of graphic designs and how to better my craft so that I can become an accomplished designer.

I do not have a favorite artist personally but I do enjoy a lot of gothic era style paintings and also paintings from the renaissance era.

I like Daft Punk they make some very good music.

When I am not glued to my computer playing video games I like to go on walks and explore nature. I enjoy trying to find animals in the wild and hiking long distances.

One day I woke up and nobody was home so I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I went out into my living room it was all quiet not even my cat was making any noise he was fast asleep. I went into my kitchen and got myself a soda out of the fridge and clicked it open. I took a large sip from it and sat down at my computer wiggling my mouse back and forth to wake it up. When it awoke the screen blinded my eyes for a second and then my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I logged onto to facebook and checked to what was happening with my friends today. After which I turned on my favorite game and started to game.